Paragraph Writing | Digital Resource

Paragraph writing is an important skill for students to learn.

An awareness of different forms of writing is just as important!

That’s why I created my Paragraph Writing resource (which is DIGITAL by the way!). Through the resource, students are introduced to 6 different forms of writingas well as paragraph writing. I am all about killing two birds with one stone!

The forms of writing I cover are:

  1. Recounts
  2. Procedural
  3. Persuasive
  4. Narrative
  5. Reports
  6. Explanatory

Model Writing

This video shows how teachers can use the resource to introduce new forms of writing to students. Start with explicit instruction and a lot of modelling:

All the lessons and examples are done for you! It doesn’t get better than that!

Students’ Turn

The scaffolding really helps students master the skill of writing a well thought out paragraph. It’s important to provide students the time to go through all the stages of the writing process:

  • Pre-Writing (a crucial step!)
  • Draft
  • Revise
  • Edit
  • Publish

The resource is designed in a way that allows students to go through all these important stages in the same slide!

Here is a preview of how students would use the Paragraph Writing Resource:


Whether you have students needing accommodations or not, using Google Read & Write will benefit all students. It’s a true example of Universal Design and it can really help with the revise and edit stage of writing.

The following video demonstrates how students can use these tools:

Sharing Options

This resource has about 85 slides in it (I know, AMAZING!!). It’s a full year resource and has enough prompts to give students PLENTY of options to choose from.

I prefer assigning the entire file to students so they can use it as a “digital notebook”. I know that some teachers might want to chunk it into sections. Here is a video showing you how to do that:

Grab the Resource!

If you want to take the stress out of planning your writing lessons week-to-week, this resource is for you. Download it, share it with your students, and boom, you are good to go!

This resource will provide you with:

  • all your modelled lessons
  • editable prompts for you to customize
  • 12 prompts for each form of writing – that’s a total of 72 prompts!
  • an easy way to accommodate (via Google Read & Write)
  • a whole year of writing prompts…fully planned for you!!
  • lots of scaffolding

Download it HERE on my blog, (in Canadian Dollars)


HERE on TpT.